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[Bloomberg] Foreign Investors invested 290 Billion Japanese Yen in Local Hotel Industry, the top most invested in overall Asian Real Estate Market

Posted by Hana 2 on February 27, 2024

[Abstract]The article has cited MSCI Real Assets, which mentioned that overseas investors invested 290 Billion Japanese Yen in the Japanese hotel industry in 2023, becoming the top most invested in overall Asian real estate market. It also stated that as investors are able to adjust the price in real time according to the need in market, making hotel investment more favorable than investing in apartments or other types of real estate properties.

And after the pandemic, tourists visiting Japan have been spending more than before and the country has been continuing to attract foreign visitors around the world which leads to an increased demand in local hotels and a more diversified market. Additionally, the weaken Japanese yen in recent years has significantly attracted foreign visitors to travel in Japan and foreign investors to invest in different types of hotels. Hence, there is currently intense competition for acquiring business hotels in popular tourist areas.


(Original article written in Japanese)

 Bloomberg 海外投資家が日本のホテルに2900億円、アジア事業用不動産で最多, 2023年8月23日

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