Number of units sold in August in Tokyo 23 wards up 42.4% from the same month of last year
Number of units sold in August in Tokyo 23 wards up 42.4% from the same month of last year
The number of units sold in the same month increased to 1,940 units (up 16.2% from the previous year) for the first time in two months (Tokyo, Kagnagawa, Saitama and Chiba).
By region, 839 units in the 23 wards of Tokyo (up 42.4%), 234 units in Tokyo (not included 23 wards) (up 39.3%), 631 units in Kanagawa (up 19.1%), 162 units in Saitama (down 8.0%),74 units in Chiba (down 64.1%).
Monthly contract rate is 73.0% (up 4.5 points).
The average price per unit was JPY 74.52 million (up 24.0%), and the unit price per square meter was 1.178 million yen (up 26.3%), both of which increased significantly.
As of the end of the month, the number of units stock was 5,889 units, a decrease of 198 units from the end of the previous month. It was 5,000 units since October 2018.
The number of units released in September is expected to be about 2,500.
source: Real Estate Economic Institute Co., Ltd.